We all give in so many different ways from making lunch for the summer camp kids to being a reader in a service…there’s something for everyone! And we are deeply grateful for all that are volunteers do! Please contact the parish office at 713-645-5031 to learn more about how to get involved. We train our volunteers to do the ministries that interest you so don't feel you have to have prior experience in any area. Come join the fun and active group of volunteers!
The Greeter/Usher ministry is a vital part of the worship service. Its purpose is to ensure that parishioners' needs are met, that portions of the service flow smoothly, and that the church is left in good condition for the next service.
The Greeters/Ushers also introduce themselves to our guests and ask if they are familiar with the Episcopal style of worship. If they are not, the Greeter/Usher offers a quick introduction to the service (bulletin, hymnal, Book of Common Prayer, etc.) and perhaps directs them to sit with a parishioner who might help them through the service.
The role of the Greeter/Usher is very important to parishioners and visitors. The Greeter/Usher represents the entire congregation in the collection and offering of monetary oblations to the altar. The Greeter/Usher picks up used bulletins and returns prayer books and hymnals to the pew racks, making certain that the church is ready for the next service.
Being a Greeter/Usher at St. Paul’s/San Pablo’s, while not overly difficult, is an extremely important ministry that is available to everyone.
The Altar Guild is a group of people in our church that work on the maintenance and preparation of the altar and its furnishings in a church; altar guilds can also organize the church decorations and flowers.
These are the people who are servers, torchbearers, and lighters of candles and also crucifers, thurifers, and banner-bearers.
A Lay Reader is a member of the congregation who assists at almost all public services by reading the Old Testament lesson, The Psalm, and the Epistle, and leads the Prayers of the People.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers/Eucharistic Visitors assist the celebrant by dispensing Holy Communion during the service and they also take Holy Eucharist to people who are unable to come to church such as people in nursing homes, home-bound, hospitals, etc.
Volunteers do everything from planning the week long activities, decorating the rooms, making lunches, supervising the children to teaching bible stories.
Volunteers help teach the class and help keep the room organized. We will pay for you to be trained in the Godly Play curriculum.
Volunteers help teach the class and help keep the room organized.
Holy Eucharist Sundays
9:30am - English
Noon - Spanish
Holy Eucharist Wednesdays
7:00pm - Spanish
St Paul - San Pablo Episcopal Church
7843 Park Place Boulevard, Houston, Texas 77087, United States